2023 Rural Artist Development


How to live a vibrant life? For me it means following the rhythms of my soul or the seasons of my life. I’ve spent the first half of winter “hibernating,” clearing physical, emotional and mental clutter and relaxing! Now as we move to the second half of winter, along with lengthen days, I’m ready for new growth. With that, I’m happy to announce that I’ve been selected to be a part of the 2023 Periscope RAD cohort.

Periscope: Rural Artist Development, is an online training and mentorship program uniquely designed to empower rural artists across Tennessee. Periscope RAD is hosted by the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville and supported by funding from the Tennessee Arts Commission. The program includes 8 weeks of entrepreneurial training followed by 6 months of one-on-one mentorship.

I met my fellow artists participants yesterday. The talent and energy of the group is amazing! If you’d like to read more, go here.

I look forward to the next stage of development in my continued evolving life.

How about you? What newness is stirring within you?

Susan Ernst