Vibrant Growth Arts

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Cultivating Creativity: Art as a Contemplative Practice - Enrollment is Currently Closed

What is meant when we speak of creativity? How is creativity connected to spirituality? What's the difference between creativity and art? How can art be a contemplative practice?

If you have suspected that there is something spiritual in the creative process and wanted to learn more, this course is for you.

If you are looking for a creative way to reflect on the spiritual side of life, this course is for you.

Come join me for a relaxing, playful, and inspiring experience. I've designed the course to be like a retreat. A time for you to get to know your artist within and a little more about the Great Artist at work in the world.

“What an amazing course! Susan is the ideal person to teach "art as a contemplative practice." Her whole demeanor and instruction is contemplative. Thank you!” - Jackie