Cultivating the Garden of Your Soul: A Spring SoulCollage® Workshop May 20, 2023

Using the theme of the garden, you will create beautiful SoulCollage® cards and journal with guided prompts. This process will illuminate the areas of your life and the aspects of your soul that you wish to cultivate. If you are looking for a simple creative practice to bring more meaning to your life, this is a wonderful process to learn.

SoulCollage® is a creative, relaxing and fun way to tap into your inner wisdom. You will select from a large assortment of images the ones that call to you, arrange them into a collage, then be guided through the process of discovering what insight these reveal to you.

“Images have a way of bypassing the chatter of our logical minds and nudging our deep soul wisdom where intuitive answers can be found and spoken.” – Seena B. Frost, founder of SoulCollage®

Date: Saturday, May 20, 2023, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Location: Willow Oak Center for Arts and Learning, Springfield, TN.

Cost: $77, all supplies included

Please Bring: a journal and pen. You are welcome to bring images to work with, but not required. We will take a one-hour meal break. There are several food options in the area, or you may bring your own.

Register here

Susan Ernst