Vibrant Growth Arts

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Meeting the Crowd at the Hearth of the Soul - An Autumn SoulCollage® Workshop Saturday, October 21, 2023

“Individuality is never simple or one-dimensional. Often it seems as if there is a crowd within the individual heart . . . Deep within, there is a gallery of different selves. Each one of these figures expresses a different part of your nature.”

– John O’Donohue

Travel to the hearth of your soul to meet some of your different selves. Some will be very familiar, some will be those you haven’t visited with in a long time, and others may be new.

SoulCollage® is a creative, relaxing and fun way to tap into your inner wisdom. You will select from a large assortment of images the ones that call to you, arrange them into a collage, then be guided through the process of discovering what insight these reveal to you.

“Images have a way of bypassing the chatter of our logical minds and nudging our deep soul wisdom where intuitive answers can be found and spoken.” – Seena B. Frost, founder of SoulCollage®

Please bring a journal and pen. You are welcome to bring images to work with, but not required. We will take a one-hour meal break. There are several food options in the area, or you may bring your own.

Held at Willow Oak Center for Arts & Learning in Springfield, TN. Saturday, October 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $77, includes all supplies. Register here.