Vibrant Growth Arts

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Summer: The Season of Abundance - A SoulCollage® Through the Seasons Workshop, Saturday, July 20, 2024

This year I am facilitating a journey through the seasons with the SoulCollage® process. Each season has something to teach us about life and about ourselves. Using images to create personally meaningful collages and journaling prompts, you will discover some inner wisdom you may not have known you had.

This session’s theme is on Abundance, and how the season of Summer represents this. Come create new SoulCollage® cards from an abundance of beautiful images I have gathered for you. Through journaling prompts, listen to the wisdom that arises from within you. You will be surprised and delighted by what you learn; participants always are.

Saturday, July 20, 1-4 p.m.

at Willow Oak Center for Arts & Learning, 301 5th Avenue W, Springfield, TN.

Register here.