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About Me

I am an artist, naturalist, and soul care practitioner who is passionate about Nature, Creativity, and the Sacredness of Everyday Life. I hold degrees in Horticulture, Studio Art, and Religion & Ecology, as well as certificates in spiritual direction, master naturalist training, and nature contemplation.

My Story

I am happiest and most content when I’m outdoors. When flowers, trees, birds, butterflies and insects surround me. There, the fragrances of honeysuckle, nicotiana, pines, and moist, rain-drenched earth intoxicate me. Birds, frogs, crickets and cicadas sing to me. The feeling of the sun, wind or rain on my skin soothes, awakens and uplifts me. The act of sowing seeds in the soil renews me. These everyday miracles, these daily blessings, are what form my vision.

Similarly, working with color, texture, layers, patterns, paper, paint, pencils and inks, intrigues and engages me. Combining my love for nature with the mediums of papermaking, drawing, printmaking, painting, and collage, I translate my experiences of these fleeting moments into something tangible.  

It is my hope that the art I create encourages others to take a closer look at the wonders in our natural world.

My passion for the beauty of the natural world developed early. Earning an AAS degree in Ornamental Horticulture at the age of 21 was the best foundation I could receive to set me on my journey. Nature, gardening and design have been an integral part of my life. Creative endeavors have opened doors and encouraged me to seek further knowledge. I learned how to make paper from plants and reclaimed materials in 2003. Deciding to continue my formal education, I earned, at the age of 50, a BS degree in Studio Art/Printmaking. 

Creating art taught me new lessons. While engaged in the creative process, I often feel connected to something transcendent. There is a letting go and allowing the work to become something bigger than my original intent. Wanting to understand what this “something” was, I went back to school, this time earning a Master of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School, graduating in 2018.

There I studied the connections between creativity, nature, and spirituality. Part of that training was spent as an artist-in-residence at Yale Landscape Lab. My focus was to create art in dialogue with Nature. That experience has changed my approach to art making. Rather than telling my art what I want it to become, I allow art making to be a collaborative experience. I find this way of working to be more meaningful.

Since then, my husband and I moved from Connecticut to the Greater Nashville, TN area. Here I continue to explore new art materials and techniques, the landscapes which surround me, and offer classes, retreats, and spiritual direction.


What do I mean by soul-care?

“The glory of God is the human fully alive.” - Irenaeus (120-200 AD)

In the Celtic and early church tradition, the word soul means the whole self - heart, mind, body, and spirit. I believe that soul care is the art of discerning what it is that makes us come alive, and then developing practices to promote and support that. My own practices are gardening, creating art, walking, hiking, contemplation, and sharing experiences with family and friends.


 I believe . . .

  • life is an exhilarating journey of the soul

  • we are creative beings

  • we have gifts to offer the world

  • we share a connection to others and to all creatures



  • vigorous, energetic, radiant, sparkling

  •  from the Latin vibrare -  to vibrate, shimmer, sparkle

  •  resonant – to resound, echo, or ring


  • the process of growing or development


[Archaic] to learn,

  • from the Latin ars, artis – to join, fit together, articulate

  • skill, craftsmanship, creativity

  • the humanities – the quality or condition of being human


  • [Latin] verdure, greenness, freshness

  • “the greening power of God” which animates all things. 

      (Hildegard of Bingen) She also taught that viriditas is 

      the place where God’s Spirit and the human spirit meet. 


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My Journey

Classes & Retreats


Holy Listening

My Creative Expression