December Greetings


 December, while the end of the calendar year, is a time of new beginnings. The various religious holidays observed this month celebrate the Blessings of Light.

The Winter Solstice marks the first official day of winter, yet it is the beginning of lengthening daylight.

My holiday wishes for you are that the returning light will warm your soul and light your journey's path.

A Gift for You . . .

25% off my course, Cultivating Creativity: Art as a Contemplative Practice, until the end of the year.

This comprehensive course discusses the spirituality of creativity and gives step by step demonstrations on how to create a beautiful, personal art journal. Six lessons which are like six retreats. Lifetime access means you can take 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, or even a year to move through the course. The material is much more than a how-to art course. Read more and register here.

Peace on your journey,




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