Honoring Hildegard of Bingen
“Viriditas is the greening power of all creation; it . . . exists in animals, fish, birds, plants, rocks, trees, and flowers.”
- Hildegard, Book of Divine Works
I first “met” Hildegard of Bingen in 2014 in the book, The Artist’s Rule, by Christine Valters Paintner. I learned from Christine that Hildegard was a remarkable woman even by today’s standards. She built and ran a monastery, was a healer, naturalist, herbalist, writer, artist, musician, choreographer, teacher, preacher, and more! With such a robust sphere of knowledge and influence, she is the “patron saint” to women in a variety of fields. And she did this all while living in the very early part of the 12th century.
I’ve since read several books about Hildegard, her teachings and her influence. What resonates with me most is her view of the natural world and how integrated we are with it. Hildegard used the Latin word, viriditas (pronounced weir-id-i-tas) often to explain a life force which emanates through the earth, the elements, animals, and humans. She described it as “the greening power of God.”
Cycle of the Seasons
Hildegard created mandalas as ways to express her visions. In this one, above, she sees the connections of all of life in the cycles of the seasons.
“When You See Aridity, Make It Green.”
- Hildegard of Bingen
This is a motto I try to live by in every aspect of my life.
Hildegard’s philosophy and theology of viriditas resonate with me so much, I incorporated it into my logo design. She is a true mentor for exploring the connections between nature, creativity, and spirituality.
Peace on your journey,
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