In Bloom: A Mid-Spring Celebration - A SoulCollage® Through the Seasons Workshop, Sunday, May 5, 2024


Journey through the seasons this year with the SoulCollage® process. Each season has something to teach us about life and about ourselves. Using images to create personally meaningful collages and journaling prompts, you will discover some inner wisdom you may not have known you had.

Mid Spring is filled with all things fresh and growing! The greenery of trees and grass, flowers, sunshine, birds and more. What is fresh and growing in your life and soul, or wants to be? Come find out. In this creative workshop you will use visual images as symbols to explore what your soul is ready to reveal.

Sunday, May 5 from 1-5 p.m. at Willow Oak Center for Arts & Learning, 301 5th Avenue West, Springfield, TN.

Please bring with you:

  • a journal and pen

  • a snack if you want one

  • a question or idea you have been pondering 

Register here.

Susan Ernst